History of Every Star

Welcome to HistOES, aka History of Every Star! Your ultimate source for fascinating historical facts delivered directly to your phone. If you like history, this is your one-stop shop to learn more! Sign up for FREE right now to receive daily history facts about events, people, and places that have shaped our world.

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About the Founder

Poupon Yu

Poupon Yu, the visionary founder of HistOES, moved to the busy city of New York from a small village in Mongolia at the age of six, and as soon as she moved, she immediately knew what she wanted to be: a historian. Inspired by her passion for history and technology, Poupon set out to create a platform that brings the wonders of history directly to people's phones. With a degree in History and Computer Science, Poupon combines her love for the past with the innovations of the future to deliver a unique and engaging experience for all history enthusiasts.